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Eat well and Supplement well 

I believe in eating all the colours of the rainbow. Lots of plants, a little meat, fish and some of the naughty stuff... I don't like feeling restricted or deprived.  I do like a glass of wine and some chocolate.

It's about finding the right balance for you and your lifestyle that aligns with your values. There is no point dieting unless these are in line. 

The more good you put in your body the more you will crave the good food.

My rules to live by

  • Don't feel deprived! How I do this is 80/20 rule. 80% Nutritious food and 20% Naughty

  • Eat lots of sun touched food (plants)

  • Supplement well. Our food isn't the same any more so supplements are vital for vitality

  • I think about what the food is going to do for my body and how will it make me feel after eating it.

  • Drink Water, Water, Water

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We all know that life get's busy and sometimes we get caught rushing out the door with a coffee and  our children may get a piece of toast with vegimight. This is just life... right?! super busy!


Do you know that we are meant to get between 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables

EVERY. SINGLE. DAY to stay well?


Juice Plus is a supplement that adds a viarty of 30 fruits, vegetables and berries to your diet.

It's about bridging the gap between what you do get and what you don't get in your day.


OUR FOOD is NOT the same anymore unless you are buying organic fresh from the farmer it has lost vital nutrients through transport and storage.  Let's not forget the harmful chemicals & pesticides that cover our fresh food.


Juice plus is carefully capitulated to harness all the nutrition possible.  It's like giving your body fresh juice injection every day without the mess and time.

I love that Juice plus is backed by Science

it's not synthetic and our body knows what to do with it.


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